On Thursday 25 January 2007 22:27, you wrote:
> On Thursday 25 January 2007 13:19, Paul Ollion wrote:
> > On Thursday 25 January 2007 20:31, Brian Jackson wrote:
> > > On Thursday 25 January 2007 11:33, Paul Ollion wrote:
> > > > atelier : Jan 25 12:00:09 : paulus : user NOT in sudoers ;
> > > > TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/home/paulus ; USER=root ;
> > > > COMMAND=/opt/kde3/bin/kdesu_stub -
> > >
> > > What does your /etc/sudoers file look like?  Are you in it?  That
> > > seems to be the issue.
> >
> > Thanks Brian for answering so fast Here is the content of
> > /etc/sudoers
> >
> > Defaults    always_set_home
> > Defaults    env_reset
> >
> > # Runas alias specification
> >
> > # User privilege specification
> > root        ALL = (All) NOPASSWD: ALL
> >
> > > Also, you do know that you give YOUR password when running commands
> > > with sudo.
> >
> > Yes that is what I understood, but it does not work either. Perhaps I
> > should empty the sudo thing in yast. I tried some tweaking in it but
> > it was no good. my previous SuSE was the 9.3 and there has been a
> > lot  of changes since.
> YOU, paulus is NOT in the /etc/sudoers file.
> As root do a 'visudo' and add this line
> paulus        ALL = (All)  ALL

Well, I could  restore things by copying the sudo file from my laptop which 
had  not been upgraded
In  fact, there were a lot of missing lines which I rewrote in my wrong sudo 
file : All of these

#in the default (unconfigured) configuration, sudo asks for  the root 
#This allows use of an ordinary user  account for administration of a freshly
#installed  system. When configuring sudo, delete the two
#following lines
Defaults targetpw    #askfor the password  of the target user i.e. root
ALL    All=(ALL)    ALL

Then I deleted the paulus entries  and rewrote the root entry this way : 
root. ALL     ALL=(ALL)   ALL

And now everything works fine as  before the update.
> Then save the file.  Now, when you (paulus) runs 'sudo [whatever
> command]', when it prompts you for a passwd, enter YOUR password.
> good luck,
> brian

Paul Ollion
Proud Linux user                SuSE 10.2
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