On Monday 29 January 2007 13:17, Charles R. Buchanan wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:03:45 +0000, Fergus Wilde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> took time to say the following:
> (^_^)> Maybe in a few years when I'm 70 will Linux FINALLY be ready for
> prime (^_^)> time! Just think, I haven't even gotten to the HARD parts yet!
> Anyway, I (^_^)> really do appreciate all the help I have gotten on this. I
> need to go lay (^_^)> down, my head is about to freaking explode!
> (^_^)
> (^_^)I find shutdown -h from a root prompt usually does it.
> Gonna have to flag your message so I can find it again if that
> time/situation comes up, although I very much doubt I will be fooling
> around with Mandriva anytime soon. Maybe it's their way of making people
> buy the non-free version?

I doubt it - probably just an oversight of sorts. A lot of this is personal 
taste and what one is used to, but the fact is that a great deal can be 
achieved very quickly from the command line that can take a great deal of 
searching out and replicating in a point-and-click environment. I'm a rank 
amateur, not a professional, but I have still found that a few minutes 
looking at shell commands can save hours of messing about in graphical file 
managers etc. If I was denied the use of Linux or other Unices, and had to 
buy a commercial OS I would most certainly take Mac OS-X over any of the 
Redmond products, though much of the Mac's advantage comes from the fact that 
it is firmly based on BSD Unix underneath the graphical hood.

Good luck figuring it all out. Personally I found that the time spent learning 
what I needed to know to get all the things I wanted to do under Linux was 
time enormously well spent, but we're all different ...
> Thanks!
> Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't
> want, to impress people they don't like. -Will Rogers

Fergus Wilde
Chetham's Library
Long Millgate
M3 1SB

Tel: 0161 834 7961
Fax: 0161 839 5797

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