On Thursday 01 February 2007 13:07, jdd wrote:
> Stevens wrote:
> > Yast was always able to read the DVD. That is not the problem. The
> > problem is that hal cannot, therefore the DVD cannot be accessed by
> > any other program EXCEPT Yast.
> hal have nothing mandatory.
> for years I used a kde icon, linked to fstab that opened any drive and
> had a (right button) eject to do the job.
> and video dvd don't have to be mounted to be played, mounting them is
> only usefull to copy the files
> jdd

True, up to a point. "Mounted" in this case means a process that allows the 
system to recognize that the drive and it's media are there and usable. 
This is what is not happening here. If that is not hal's job, then some 
other - unknown to me - process is not working correctly. The bottom line 
is that this system does not work as Suse designers think that it should.

I wholeheartedly welcome any constructive help that will get it up and 
running because right now it is broke and I am running out of time to make 
it work. I think that blowing a whole month on this problem is far and 
away too damn much time to spend getting a system to run.
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