On Saturday 03 February 2007 02:27, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
Hi Joe,

............<snip a bunch>................
> >
> > ###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name:
> > failsafe### title Failsafe -- openSUSE 10.2
> >     root (hd2,0)
> >     kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda1 vga=normal
> > showopts ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off noresume edd=off 3
> >     initrd /boot/initrd-
> Add this to this file.
> ___________________________________________________________________________
>_____ ### Added 10.0 Boot ###
> title openSUSE 10.0
>     root (hd1,0)
>     kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb3 vga=0x31a resume=/dev/hdb2
> splash=silent showopts
>     initrd /initrd
> ___________________________________________________________________________
>________ This assumes the following which I cannot be sure of with the
> supplied info.  I assume:
> The initrd on that drive has the modules for the lvm in it.
> The vmlinuz and initrd symlinks are setup properly
> the lvm root partition is hdb3
> Also, to make this the default boot, change default from 0 to 4
OK, did  as instructed. Sadly it did not work. Does it matter where it is 
placed in the file?

> >------------------ My comments:

<more snip>

> > fdisk -l  /dev/hdb gives me 3 partitions. A 1G boot partition, a 1G swap
> > partition, and a 28G LVM (which I have my home and all other partions on
> > as LVM's)
> Is that one hdb3?  or did you have any extended partitions?

Yes that LVM is hdb3
<more snip>

> > Sooooo...I guess that I am not understanding this.
> >
> > Mind you now, I did not TOUCH any of the partitions on hdb.
> Good.
> > To remind you, I have 3 drives. The first is hda which is an ide device
> > that has Win98 and several Linux partitions (where I keep my backups,
> > workspace and some not so important data) The second is hdb, another ide,
> > where 10.0 is installed and most of my important personal data is stored,
> > and the new drive a SATA, sda, where I installed 10.2
> >
> > I can go into the Yast partioner and see that everything is there.
> What is the partition with the lvm called there?  hdb3?

Yes. Are you thinking that the boot parameters are inside the LVM? That's why 
you called root=/dev/hdb3 in the script?  When that didn't work I went ahead 
and changed it to root=/dev/hdb1. That didn't work either.
> > I just
> > cannot access hdb (10.0) I have to access hdb. That is where everything
> > that is important resides. Maybe if I unplug the new Sata drive I will be
> > able to mount that drive with the DVD?
> Doubt it.  Sorry, I am not that familiar with lvm disk notation.
> > Thanks again and Please help. I'm sure it has something to do with
> > changing from LILO to Grub.
> No, actually it has to do with the lvm volumes.
> > but then Win98 was picked up by Grub but 10.0 was not.
> > Very frustrating.
> IIRC, there was something about this in the release notes.

The release notes for 10.2?  How can I get at them again? Please do not give 
up on me until you are totally out of ideas.

Bob S
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