
My mom's stock/boxed SUSE 8.2 is on dial-up. Sometimes I teach her to
do tasks via vnc, being located in another country. I'm new to vnc,
but the desktop sharing we do from her KDE session is simple and the
thing works quite well...

The only thing I would change is to avoid seeing her desktop image
when connecting, which would surely accelerate the speed of the
connection a lot. I use SUSE 9.1 with KDE 3.3.x, where there was an
option to hide desktop background when connecting, but on her earlier
KDE's Control Center there was no option like this and
in her respective config file was also without any effect:(

Any idea/work-around please to achieve the needed effect or acce-
lerate on another way the vnc connection's speed?!

The second related question is that on her computer I saw TCP 5800
listening. I didn't see it before she activated the desktop sharing
and would be interested, how it could get opened. I didn't activate
vnc through xinetd and chkconfig reports it (as supposed) to be
deactivated. The only thing is that via KDE's Control Panel we acti-
vated the above desktop sharing and immediately moved it to a higher
port number. TCP 5800 I just saw accidentally and is anyway firewal-
led; the particular port needed by me has been opened under the

Thank you for any thoughts, comments.


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