On 2/11/07, J Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Pierce wrote:
>> I too have a problem with frequencies on SIS card and 1440x900
>> monitor. What
>> was your problem?
> Turns out I needed to put the following command into /etc/init.d/boot.local
> 915resolution 5c 1440 900 32
> However, this is to correct a problem with the intel 945 chipset, I do
> not know if it would have any effect on an sis card.  I found this
> solution with sever nights of googling.

Why not just change change line 18 of /etc/sysconfig/videobios to read:


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Well, Joe that sounds like a winner.  After all of the googling I only
found the 915 thing that I posted about.

I found that result and gave it a try and it worked for me, I had know
Idea about the VIDEOBIOS_PARAMETERS= setting.  I have been using linux
since about 1998 with an early red disto that I downloaded and
installed from rpms.  I have learned quite a lot about linux since
then and am willing to try anything.  To me the best move I have ever
made was ditching windows.  I have converted my wife and sons and they
hate to even use windows at work and school.

I am not a guru, but I consider myself to be a power user at least, so
I am always open to learning. Thanks


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