On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 19:16 -0800, Ben Kevan wrote:
> Maybe they will start doing "Gold Mastered" versions of all openSuSE
> versions 
> about 1/2 way through it's lifetime . 


You missed the point. I am not saying don't have updates. I am saying
why doesn't OpenSuse have a package system that works.

Mepis, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora update time: 1-15 minutes. 
OpenSuse update time: 60-90 minutes. 

I am currently running all of these, so I know the times. (Except
OpenSuse, which was way too slow to keep using.)

If I want to add a new package on any of the systems listed above, I can
have it downloaded and installed in 20 minutes tops, usually more like 5
minutes. With OpenSuse, after 20 minutes, the repositories are about
33-50% scanned.

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