On 02/27/2007 05:58 AM somebody named Tony Alfrey wrote:
> John Andersen wrote:
>> On Monday 26 February 2007, Jan Tiggy wrote:
>>> WTF cares about what distro? We just need mashines especially laptops
>>> checked  against linux.
>> Exactly.    If dell had to stand behind their warranty for linux they
>> wouldn't
>> be jamming ATI cards into the machines without dragging ATI through a
>> knothole to get the drivers working and easy to install. 
> Yes, I had noticed that they were offering ATI cards and that was making
> me uncomfortable after hearing all of the angst about getting these to
> work on a linux box.

I've been using ATI cards with Linux almost exclusively since '92 and
have never had a problem any of them.  (Got a Matrox card once, just to
try something different.)

My last Suse install had problems recognizing my ATI card, so I had to
hand-edit xorg.conf, but that's not the card's fault.

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