On Tuesday 13 March 2007, Tim Hempstead wrote:
> Accessing the system via samba from a Windows XP box seems quite slow
> as does accessing it via SFTP, (a sustained SFTP transfer using
> Filezilla peaked at 310kb/s .... a 670MB iso image has just taken 35+
> minutes to transfer across between them).

Doesn't sftp require encrypting the file for sending?
Samba should outperform sftp.

> From the Bonnie figures I am
> guessing the issue is more likely to lie on the networking side rather
> than the disk side?

Ipv6 turned off?

You are getting less than 100megabit Cat5 performance.

I just copied a 350meg iso across 100mbit network via samba in under 10 
It pegged my linux nic at 7.4 meg for the duration according to gkrellm.

So i would put that file on flat disk space (no raid) and
copy it with samba to see if the problem is in the disk
or the network.  You definitely want to get sftp out of the picture.

John Andersen

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