On Thursday 15 March 2007 16:42, Anders Johansson wrote:
> What you're saying is that you can run old versions of suse, as long as you
> keep the applications updated manually?
> Well, of course you can. It's just a lot more work
        No, what I am saying is that running a back-level linux kernel is not a 
problem. As far as updating user apps goes... that depends on the app.

        My Firefox updates automatically... and aside from the slightly 
message telling me the update is available its pretty painless... it has 
always worked, and it has been completely automatic... wish I could say the 
same thing for the Suse updater...  :-(

        No, the original thought was ridiculous--- running a back-level version 
the linux kernel is not a problem... and as for that matter... running a 
patched version of apps (back-level as they may be) is not a problem 
either... in fact... some might argue that updating apps and kernels is how 
vulnerabilities are introduced into systems in the first place. 

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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