On Thursday 15 March 2007 18:53, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> One of the other things that bothers me is the continual changes to or
> elimination of things that work, in favor of cutting-edge stuff
> that doesn't actually work.
        Are you running SLED or Opensuse?

        ... makes a difference ... sounds like you would benefit from running 
definitely.  Opensuse is for those of us who don't really need the max 
support and are willing to play with the system a bit in order to have some 
of the bleeding edge revisions.  There is another alternative... and that is 
somewhere in the middle... use an opensuse version (based on history) that is 
for the most part as stable as you need it to be and wait... eventually there 
will be another "better" opensuse, or ubuntu, or you'll opt for the next 
stable release of SLED. Frankly Suse 9.3 Professional has been the best 
out-of-box distro so far from Novell.  Actually, I have had really only minor 
annoyances from Suse 10.0.   Yeah, my kmail speaks Chinese too sometimes... 
but the distro for the most part has been mostly fantastic... 

        SLED isn't bleeding edge and is mostly as stable as the Rock of 
it doesn't bleed and it won't have the latest revisions... but it will work 
for ya.....

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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