Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 10:32 +0000, peter nikolic wrote:
>> Can't you use NTP to set the time on boot   i take it they are all connected 
>> to the net   or a network  with one machine connected to the internet  setup 
>> a ntp server   use that to check against at boo time ..
> Ahh. I forgot to mention one important fact. These computers are in
> vehicles on the road. If they cannot figure it out on their own, it wont
> be figured out.
> They do have GPS. However, I have not found an efficient way to share
> the GPS NMEA recored with nntp and our measurement software, which needs
> the records with little (read no) delay.

I don't know anything about this, but it's an interesting topic to me (I
go sailing :)

A quick <> showed lots of
hits including one that says "The Star Sync GPS receiver plugs into a
serial port and interfaces with the generic GPS NMEA driver included
with the standard NTP distribution."

If there's a generic GPS driver in the NTP distribution, as it claims,
couldn't you use that to sync the machines?

Or is the key word in your problem 'share'? Aren't the NMEA time
sentences broadcast so you just need some 'plumbing' to send it to both
destinations (an extra cable, a small shell script, a one-line C
program, whatever is appropriate)

The gpsd man page has a section on 'use with ntp', for example.

Cheers, Dave

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