On Friday 16 March 2007 03:02, Clayton wrote:
> > What I want is a system that has a web browser that can display the
> > streaming videos included on many websites, including the different
> > news services like Reuters, ABC, CNN, etc at Yahoo.com and the
> > trailers at film.com. Basically the same functionality that a Windoes
> > user would have on the same websites.
> As everyone keeps saying, you do have that.. MPlayer and the w32codecs
> from Packman combined with Firefox (and with a little work, also Opera
> and Konqueror).  It works first time every time on every single SUSE
> 10.2 install I've put together... not just on my specific hardware,
> but on multiple systems on completely different hardware.  Even on
> remote machines half way around the world where I've walked a family
> member through installing those apps from Packman... and it worked for
> them too.
Then maybe you can call, skype or IM me and tell me what I am doing wrong, 
because Suse 10.2 is the only system that it doesn't work on here, and I 
have done (3) 10.2 installs so far. 

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