Le Mardi 20 Mars 2007 17:58, Donald D Henson a écrit :
> I seem to have gotten myself into a situation where a Firefox process
> will not die nor will it display anything. (The problem seems to have
> something to do with You Tube.) When I try to start up another instance
> of Firefox, I get an error message that tells me to either close the
> current process or to reboot the system. Rebooting is not a good
> solution. I remember from the 'old days' that there is a cli command to
> identify a process id and another one to kill a process. I've searched
> my memory and the User Manual but cannot identify those two commands.
> Any assistance will be sincerely appreciated.


You could use "ps -d" to identify the process and then kill it "kill PID" or 
"kill -KILL PID". You might have to be root to be able to kill the process.
Another way (especially with an unknown process eating CPU) is to launch top 
"top", press K and then enter the PID of the CPU eating process.

                     Matthias Titeux, PhD
Département de génétique des maladies cutanées et allergiques 
            dans des modèles animaux et chez l'homme.
                      INSERM U563 - CPTP
                 Pavillon Lefebvre, 5ème étage
                          CHU Purpan
                    31024 Toulouse cedex 03
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