On 3/24/07, Carlos E. R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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The Friday 2007-03-23 at 22:23 +0200, Alexey Eremenko wrote:

> I have had some problems, so I created a new user, and deleted the original
> one.
> The problems I have now, due to this move:
> In KDE, when I do Start->Leave I can only end session, not shutdown, not
> restart In K3B, I cannot write anything, is it does NOT recognizes my
> new DVD-RW.
> Under "root" account everything works !

I don't know about that one. Perhaps you copied over some files from one
user to the other?

So, anybody knows how-to make my DVD-RW accessible from user again,
without reinstalling openSUSE (like in Windows) ?

BTW: Automount doesn't works too.... Now I have to enter root account
and manually do:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

Very unpleseable experience...

> Other priviledge problem, that I would like to solve:
> Why simple utilities, such as ifconfig and traceroute require root priviledges
> ?
> Or more correctly, they *do* run under normal user, but are not
> included on the normal user path by default. Why is that?

I can think of two reasons. One, is the assumption that Mr Root is the
only one with knowledge to use Certain Things. Also, he is the one
responsible for the machine to the external world, and tools like
traceroute could perhaps cause damage to others. Perhaps its designer
thinks that if you know how to add the path, then are a responsible enough
user ;-)

Some tools, like ping, permit root do things that they don't allow normal

Very funny, but I disagree with this stance, and will fill a bug.

-Alexey Eremenko "Technologov"
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