On Monday 26 March 2007, David Brodbeck wrote:
> It's not just snatch/grab thugs you have to worry about.  Identity theft
> has gotten pretty sophisticated.

Agreed.  Sophisticated enough not to have to steal your lap top to get what
they want.

Unless combined with full disc encryption finger print readers are likely
just as secure as pins for the purpose of securing your laptop.

Lets make at least a minimal attempt to keep this thread on track.  It
has nothing at all to do with identity theft.  It is concerned with biometric
security on a computer, laptop or otherwise.

Pins, passwords and readers are first line defenses only.  Once they have
your laptop you are screwed.

Until you cough up the money for full disk encryption it makes no sense to get
all hot and bothered about finger print readers.

John Andersen
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