On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 03:43 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> I'm sure that time ago I used a font named "Times" in OpenOffice, that was 
> rendered as Times-Roman in PDF documents (Acrobat reader), type 1 (perhaps 
> (Adobe Serif MM), using an internal fontset. 
> It is not "Times New Roman", of that I'm sure, that's a windows font and 
> it is embedded in pdfs, not what I want.
> Somebody knows what package contains that font for SuSE 10.2?

I suspect the font was URW Nimbus Roman Number 9 L Regular, which is the
URW font includeded in ghostscript that emulates Times.

Times is included in Macs and is different from the Times New Roman that
comes with Windows, but I don't think it's ever been bundled as standard
with SuSE.

If you have a document with the font set to Times, OO will render it
with URW Nimbus Roman Number 9 L Regular. In any case, Nimbus Roman is
sufficiently close to Times that it's hard to tell the difference.


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