Curiously, just experienced the permanent timeout  issue myself.
However, I migrated in opposite direction (evolution -> thunderbird)
some time ago as my evolution setup never worked properly again after an
upgrade from v1 to v2 when upgrading between different version of SuSE
9. While I liked v1, I was also not happy with v2 for other reasons.
Seems that newer versions do not always mean better functionality :-)

In this case problem cleared on reboot of client. I have had timeouts
occasionally in past but they seem to be related to fetchmail running or
incoming mail when I am accessing folders via imap, and usually
rectified themself quite quickly (My personal server side mail setup
could mean some mail will take a bit of time to process. I suspect this
something to do with file locking on server, and some tweaking will
probably sort this). On this occasion famd was hitting 100% cpu usage
and  the imap daemon was reporting a cacheing issue, restartng the imap
server did not clear problem on client so suspect that Thunderbird is a
bit twitchy about unusual error states. I have noted famd warning in
past with theimap server I am using, but it has never caused a major
problem. I hope in my case this is a one off.

I have got a couple of other issues with Firefox and Thunderbird. I find
that both refuse to load under KDE, but will load under other window
managers. This issue is probably related to something flaky in the Sony
VIAO AC'97 sound support (they ran OK under KDE until I got the sound
support going). Using WindowMaker at moment where until today everything
worked fine, and funnily enough personally not likely to move back KDE
as the new menu setup I find really irritating to use....

Matthew Stringer wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Thunderbird on my Suse Desktop for years but have grown ever 
> more frustrated with it's unreliability which seems to get worse with every 
> update.
> Main symptoms are it randomly fails to download mail, just sits there and 
> times out (POP3 or IMAP), I know there's nothing wrong with the mail server 
> and using telnet or another client on the same machine proves this. Or I'll 
> send a mail and it'll spend an age copying it to the sent items folder where 
> it'll time out saying it couldn't do this (no explanation why), try it again 
> and it'll be OK.
> If I try and re-install it, things improve but it's not long before it's 
> struggling again.
> I use it on an MS box too for my personal mail and it's fine, but on 2 
> openSUSE 10.2 machines with KDE it's hopeless.
> I've decided to bin this and try something else, possibly Evolution, is it 
> possible to import my mail from Thunderbird into this?
> What mail clients do the folks on here recommend for Linux?
> Regards
> Matthew

fn:Graham T. Smith
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