On Friday 06 April 2007 19:50:51 Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Friday 2007-04-06 at 14:07 +0100, G.T.Smith wrote:
> > If it is peer to peer access is what is required e-Mule/e-Donkey is
> > another option, and there are other options. Personally do not use and
> > do not recommend P2P, security is down to the weakest link and P2P is
> > somewhat like unprotected sex... you never no what you are going to
> > catch. P2P solutions do need careful thought about security.
> bittorrent does have security: the initial seed or link inlcudes
> checksums.

Indeed. You can be absolutely sure that the virus you receive is identical to 
the virus that was sent

A checksum isn't security, it is fault protection

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