M Harris wrote:
> On Monday 09 April 2007 00:26, dwain wrote:
>> How do I get to the man pages again?
>       Actually, they are mostly obsolete...
>       ... you want to load and use   info   these days....
Really? There are quite a few commands that do not have an info entry!
Man is a unix thing and commands with a strong unix history or produced
outside the GNU project tend to have man pages (or entries in something
else that I cannot remember the name off but probably is redundant for
the Linux community). Info  is a GNU thing and GNU projects tend to have
info documents Both are useful  for different reasons but GNU
enthusiasts do tend to overdo the 'Man pages are dead' mantra somewhat, 
Especially as some info documents (e.g. the tar info entry)  have an
embarrassing number of "must write something sensible here" references.
For quick lookups man pages are good, for more complete references info
documents are useful  if occasionally incoherent.

The Linux Documentation Project (while not exactly on-line
documentation) is trying to collate that information and bring some
coherence to that documentation that does exist, and identify and fill
the gaps.  Their HowTo's can be particularly useful.

>       But if you insist, you can run
>       man man
>       You want to know how to use vi...   type
>       man vi
>       (or)   info vi

fn:Graham T. Smith
n:Smith;Graham T.
adr:Barton upon Humber;;90 Bowmandale;;North Lincs.;DN18 5EA;UK
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