On Monday 09 April 2007 22:14, Bob S wrote:
> >       Yes ...
>               No
> Besides Vi there is also joe. (since about 10.0 I think)
        Well, uh, NO.....

        ...  heh heh...  but before I make my point I do sincerely thank you 
telling me about ( joe ) ... I am always willing to learn new stuff... and 
this little joe editor might do the trick for some of my ( shall I say ) 
modal brain-dead friends...  I mean they are brain-dead in terms of being 
able to navigate a modal editor ( like vi ).

        ... but alas ( uff dah ) I digress... and my main point is that ( joe ) 
universal enough for the unix playing field.  VI is everywhere... Solaris, 
AIX, HP UX, name it... its there...   every unix geek or unix-like geek 
wannabee *must* learn vi, period, end of story... I'm sorry you're just wrong 
about this...   there...  whew... I told you --so there.  :-P

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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