M Harris wrote:
telling me about ( joe ) ... I am always willing to learn new stuff... and this little joe editor might do the trick for some of my ( shall I say )
Joe is my favorite if for no other reason than I can get the help on
the top of the screen.

modal brain-dead friends... I mean they are brain-dead in terms of being able to navigate a modal editor ( like vi ).
I guess I would rather be brain dead.

universal enough for the unix playing field. VI is everywhere... Solaris,
so is the flu

AIX, HP UX, name it... its there... every unix geek or unix-like geek wannabee *must* learn vi, period, end of story... I'm sorry you're just wrong about this... there... whew... I told you --so there. :-P
it must have been you about whom this was written.
"People already exposed to modern GUIs when introduced to UNIX used to be (and still are) told to use vi or EMACS. If you complained that any product that requires you to invest hours of training just to edit text is a stinking abomination from the bottommost pits of hell and you can't even figure out how to save your document without a manual, you were told that you were wrong, you just had to hit ctrl+alt+meta+escape + the phase of the moon and write a small lisp routine without visual feedback, and that this is in fact a much more powerful and more efficient way to do things, and that GUI editors are baby's toys (since most of the ones on UNIX were)."

NEdit was for those who never capitulated to this attitude, and insisted on a proper gui-based editor that works the way they were used to on other systems, with a focus on ease of use and familiarity for new users, so you could be productive right away, without sacrificing power."

Ok, when Xwindows is not running, nedit might not be of any value
(although I thought I remember there being a curses version) but then
there is joe which is a lot nicer IMHO than vi.

Damon Register

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