M Harris escribió:

>>Please, it is not stupidity, but it might be ignorance---

both I think :-)

> one hundred zillion people would like to better understand the
> M$-Novell deal and instead have received double-talk and insults...

The way to understand it clearly is :

1. open the novell website in one tab, and the MS site in other
2. read **literally** what the "agreement" says in both sides, leaving
conspirance/paranoictheories out of your mind.
3. after that, get your own opinion based on the written facts ( all the
rest is FUD)

>       If Novell wanted to educate (rather than lambast and humiliate) they 
> might do 
> well to improve their communication channels... 

I agree that Novell should improve his communication abilities with the
outside world, and specially with it's own "community".

Also agree they should not paid for advertisment in a site that is
clearly ignoring us. (even before novell/MS deal) and publishing crap
that helps to promote FUD about their own products.

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