On Tuesday 10 April 2007 20:48, dwain wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 April 2007 20:42, Druid wrote:
> > On 4/10/07, Druid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >         Stay  Tuned  For  Updates ,  dude.
> > >
> > > Im waiting for the updates, but since you are clueless, Im not sure if
> > > there will be any
> >
> > Im still waiting, bozo
> At the risk of getting too involved in this flame war, would one of you
> clue me in as to the updates that are being waited for?  I understand that
> M$ and Novell have cut some kind of a deal so are the updates you are
> waiting for dealing with updates about the deal or updates for opensuse?
> Kindly regards,
> Dwain
As one can see by going to Distro Watch

Open SuSE is ranked number 2. A position it has helled for years just as 
Ubuntu has helled the number one position for years.

Rank    Distribution    H.P.D*
1       Ubuntu  2682
2       openSUSE        2229
3       Fedora  1552
4       PCLinux OS1269
5       MEPI    S1174
6       Mandriva        1039
7       Debian  979
8       Sabayon 811
9       DamnSmal        l772
10      Slackware       672
11      KNOPPIX 606
12      Gentoo  571
13      Zenwalk 548
14      Mint    537
15      Kubuntu 496
16      FreeBSD 490
17      Vector  441
18      Freespire       436
19      Puppy   433
20      Dreamlinux      412
21      CentOS  406
22      Ubuntu CE       351
23      Arch    315
24      Elive   298
25      Xubuntu 294
26      Xandros 290
27      SLAX    289
28      Red Hat 281
29      PC-BSD  250
30      KANOTIX 228
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