On Wednesday 11 April 2007 08:27, Druid wrote:
> Find me one now after the MS deal, and find one about 10.2 release
> have a good day
> Marcio
        Yes, I know.  That was my point. The Novell deal with M$ offended the 
community... a little like high treason--- just without the rope.  You must 
understand that Novell can say (and has said) that SLES and SLED (and maybe 
openSUSE also) are the *only* linux distros sanctioned by M$... against which 
FUD... and more FUD to come... will coerce IT managers to use SLED SLES vs 
RHES (or fedora) (whatever)... many many many people also make their living 
distribution linux... as it should be... and Novell steps in with M$ to 
continue the strong arm coercion tactics that M$ is famous for... bah.

        Yes this deal has the appearance of giving linux a better overall 
in the enterprise, and maybe even positive exposure for the home market... 
but it *hurts* the international community of linux developers generally.  It 
hurts freedom, and it hurts computer science.  You must understand that many 
of us fools are working very hard (not so that M$ and Linux play well 
together in the sandbox) rather to make certain that M$ gets scooped from the 
sandbox... kinda like cleaning kitty litter...   :)

        Novell lost its Slashdot internet presence when it decided to play the 
coercion card with M$.  The deal with Slashdot is not that they are giving 
preferential treatment to Ubuntu (for instance) but rather more importantly 
they are making a simple statement regarding freedom.

        I respect your opinion, and your job/salary... I understand all of 
that. But 
more important to me than my salary... where I work... etc,... is that 
freedom comes first.  Some of us work towards a list... its not lame, and its 
not foolishness:

        No closed / proprietary software, period.
        No closed formats...  MP3, Flash, etc
        No closed exclusionary deals
        No coercive marketing tactics... 

        I'll make you a bet... you break the pact with M$ and whalla... it will 
front page news on Slashdot... probably for days... and then followed by a 
clean review of 10.3a and why Suse is the better way to go (vs Ubuntu) for 
newbies.... blah blah blah....

        Frankly a lot of folks are still trying to figure out how they feel 
it... now, you may feel that Slashdot is irrelevant now... but who cares what 
capitalism thinks about free expression... on the other hand... you might 
want to consider that free expression can benefit the right capitalist who 
puts her/his money in the right places...  and putting Novell money with M$ 
was a mistake that will have ranging consequences.  (two cents)

(if you want to talk about it, please don't swear at me, thanks)

Best to you and yours..,

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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