On Thursday 12 April 2007 16:01, Dylan wrote:
> On Thursday 12 April 2007, Jonathan Arsenault wrote:
> > No Sxxx !
> >
> > And that add anything more that hasn't been told on this list
> > already ... guessed not.
> >
> > "Hype"? that's called FUD (i know you just love it) you ignorant Git.
> I'm sorry m8, but that is just un-called for. If I was uncouth I might
> allude to your surname.
> Dylan

Wow!  I've only been on this list about 1 week and already, I've determined 
that Jonathan Arse...  Ya, I agree.  That one is just too easy.

But the question needs to be asked: can this guy post a civil message?


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