On Thursday 12 April 2007 23:10, dwain wrote:
> I have a 40gb drive that I obtained that has some i/o errors on it.  Is
> there a way to fix this so I can load opensuse on it?  Would it be worth
> the effort?
        The answer is usually no...

        ... however, there are some exceptions.  What I *always* try is to boot 
the CD or DVD and enter recovery mode. From there I run fdisk against the 
drive in question...

        fdisk /dev/hda

        Then I try to remove all of the partitions using the  d  command.

        Then I write/sync the drive with the   w  command.  Then add a primary 
partition with the  n  command  (make it primary) and span the entire drive.  

        Then create a file system on the drive (doesn't matter ... ext2 is fine 
this purpose... and check for bad blocks.

        Sometimes what appears wrong with a drive is a Microsoft thing... 
its a small set of bad blocks that can be *worked* around.  Sometimes all of 
the above just fails because of surface damage, or circuit damage (whatever 

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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