Hans du Plooy wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-04-14 at 22:32 +0300, Janne Karhunen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Any pointers how to configure BT capable 3G phone (Nokia e70) for 3G data
>> over BT? BT seems to work between the phone and laptop just fine but PPP
>> dial-up is another thing.
> I've only done bluetooth/gprs dial-up on T-mobile, but it should be
> similar.
> /etc/ppp/peers/gprs:
> lcp-max-configure 20
> lcp-max-failure 20
> nodetach
> passive
> debug
> debug
> debug
> debug
> show-password
> connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/chatscript-t-mobile'
> /dev/rfcomm0    # Bluetooth serial port one
> 115200  # fast enough
> crtscts  # serial cable, Bluetooth and USB, on some occations with IrDA
> too
> +pap
> noipdefault
> ipcp-accept-local
> replacedefaultroute
> defaultroute
> usepeerdns
> novj
> nobsdcomp
> novjccomp
> nopcomp
> noaccomp
> noauth
> /etc/ppp/peers/chatscript-t-mobile:
> SAY 'Starting GPRS connect script\n'
> "" ATZ
> OK ATD*99#
> First we want to create a serial connection to the phone.  In a
> terminal, su to root and do:
> # rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:0E:ED:61:56:64
> Replace the MAC address with your phone's MAC.  I can't remember how I
> found it out, but the bluetooth tools included in SUSE can do it.  And
> in another window:
> # pppd call t-mobile
> The chatscript might be slightly different for your provider, you'll
> have to google for it.
> I'm glad to hear doing bluetooth to the E70 works - I'm planning to get
> one :-)   Let us know if you get it going.
> Hans

As the e70 is a Symbian phone I would suggest going to my-symbian.com or
www.allaboutsymbian,com for symbian OS issues...

Linux interoperability is still a bit of issue with Symbian, and if you
are intending to use the phone as a modem you may need to install the
Nokia modem drivers....I have my doubts that the above would work...

fn:Graham T. Smith
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