On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 13:44 +0200, Fabian Scheler wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have the feeling the OpenOffice Imress included in the openSuSE 10.2
> distribution has some problems with eps graphic files. When I try to
> include such a picture it gets distorted, in most cases it is jolted
> to half of the original size, but the picture object in Impress still
> has the correct original size.
> Has anybody experienced the same problems? 

I have encountered the same problem on OpenOffice 2.1 on eps files
including some I have written by hand.

You could try resizing the original eps file and poistion it carefully
with right-click> Position and size. Alternatively, use gimp to convert
the file to png. There is some loss of quality, but it may be OK.

Check also that the embedded eps file will actually display if you run a
slide show. This is not a problem for me because I export Impress files
as PDF and use Acrobat full-screen mode to display them. But it would be
if the eps file were missing.


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