Carlos E. R. wrote:
Hash: SHA1

The Tuesday 2007-04-24 at 17:58 +1000, Registration Account wrote:

Syslog-ng IS the Linux system log daemon, however  it performs function
in much the same way as a Mainframe  Daemon works and depending on my
audience I have to be very specific with the reference 'syslog daemon'
due its multiple meanings.

I simply meant that the syslog or syslog-ng daemon in linux doesn't do what you want, ie, record the priority level in the string sent to the file, nor do I know how to write it, short of modifying the source code, which I haven't even inspected to estimate the dificulty of such a simple modification.

I don't think there's a source modification needed for syslog-ng.
One can specify $LEVEL in a template() clause in a destination section. E.g.

destination d_file {
    template("$HOUR:$MIN:$SEC $TZ $HOST [$LEVEL] $MSG\n");

(This is taken straight from the syslog-ng documentation in /usr/share/doc/packages/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.pdf. I would add some more information like $DATE and $FACILITY. ;-)

$LEVEL expands to the name of the level and not to a number, though.


Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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