hi folks,
        I loaded a buddies machine with openSUSE 10.0 using a temporary Samsung 
TFT running off an nvidia geforce card--no problems. 
        Since then we are now trying to configure an older KDS Radius Rad-5s 
1024x768 16M 15".   I have used every technique I know to reconfigure xorg to 
handle the new display, and completely without success.  The display always 
complains that the horz sync freq is out of range. 
        Here's the issue ... and the rant:
        If I try to use the tools (post install) to configure this silly 
well, it just can't be done.  On the other hand... if I *reload* openSUSE 
from DVD the installer tools probe the card and the display and *correctly* 
find and configure both... no hits, no errors, and it runs all day long!   
*very frustrating*
        /rant off

        So, is there an option for reconfiguring the video display (card and 
(post install) so that it just works without tweaking?  If so-- please say 
how..~please...   if not HOW COME?


Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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