Marcus Meissner wrote:
On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 03:32:02AM -0700, James D. Parra wrote:

I am trying to find proftpd rpm on the DVD, but it isn't show up in yast.
Where can I get it?

You can't, because we do not include it.

We only ship vsftpd and pure-ftpd.

Any specific requirements that only proftpd can fulfil?

When we set up the new German CTAN (that's the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, the main distribution point for TeX-related software) host two years ago, proftpd had better support in bandwidth throttling, user exemption, IP-based virtual host configuration, and a few other small things that I don't remember right now. :-) I haven't followed vsftpd development enough to tell if that has changed by now.

That said, I don't think that proftpd is needed for your run-of-the-mill ftp server. CTAN is a demanding ftp service -- alone the German CTAN node pushes 3TB every month, and the other main nodes have similar traffic. We don't even know which traffic our 120+ mirror nodes encounter, and expect our traffic to raise even further in the next months and years to come.

And, proftpd's documentation is non-existant for all practical purposes. It's UTSL software and that's a real PIA sometimes.

        (one of the CTAN maintainers)

Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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