Stevens wrote:
> When I said that all responders to my OT thread (you know which one)
> that posted to this list instead of me personally would be considered
> just plain stupid, I had no idea how many on this list who consider 
> themselves "bright" were, in fact, just plain stupid.
> I have compiled a list of the humor-impaired dumbasses who can't 
> seem to let it die. You know who you are. You need to take your panties 
> off, straighten out the wad, put them back on and go about the business of 
> opensuse and stop your incessant whining. 
> Fred

Anybody else here think it's real annoying when you have certain idiots
too enamored with the smell of their own farts who actually think that
who is or is not on their s-list actually amounts to a hill of beans.  
That is just so annoying.

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