There is an old maxim in American business: 
If you can't beat'em, buy'em.

M$ can't buy Linux, it knows that there is only so much that it
can do with Windows before it morphs into a _nix, so they are
getting positioned to "partner" big time and drive that morph
to their money-in-the-pocket advantage instead of letting random
market forces drive it away. Sounds like smart business to me.
If their stock wasn't so expensive and the market wasn't at the top
I might buy some.

Actually, about the "morphing" comment: What I got from that article 
was that the collaboration was to make the two OSes better able to 
interact with each other. Maybe that means that, over time, both OSes 
will do some changing. Or maybe I should say that the GUI apps
(KDE, Gnome, whatever) will change to meet the mission. Whatever,
with the big three at work, I would bet that it will happen and in such
a way as for everyone involved (Suse, M$ and Dell) to make a buck
or two.

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