On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 11:43:41AM -0800, John Andersen wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 May 2007, Stevens wrote:
> > Whatever,
> > with the big three at work, I would bet that it will happen and in such
> > a way as for everyone involved (Suse, M$ and Dell) to make a buck
> > or two.
> This assumes that there will indeed be some "work" done.
> I don't see it that way.
> I have not seen any positive outcome of the MS Novell agreement
> nor any hint of any to come.

Several big customers, who have been using Linux "secretly" before,
now have admitted to using it.

> Much posturing, but Balmer is still
> claiming Linux violates MS IP loudly and often. More often than
> before.

Any cites for this statement? Its just FUD.
> The only thing that can come out of this deal is a proprietary
> product either for Microsoft or Novell.  No new GPL software
> can emerge from this deal the way it is structured today.

You mean like the OpenOffice org VBA support? Oops, not proprietary.

This deal is not about cooperation for a product, as should be very
clear already.

Ciao, Marcus
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