On Tuesday 08 May 2007 17:29, Registration Account wrote:
> Carlos,
> Exactly the response I was looking for. After having to deal with the
> appalling memory management of other PC  O/S you have answered the
> question perfectly.
> However, I now need to know is there a process that removes items
> from cache after a period of time or will available memory be used to
> cache continually without being flushed.

The best advice to those worrying about Linux's memory management is: 

Linux does a great job or managing the available RAM and few people need 
to tinker with any parameters governing its memory management.

> Now my query comes down to "unused cache flush time" and
> "flush cache due to processing demands determination"

Why? What application mix are you running that's so unusual and / or 
critical in its memory requirements?

Are you actually experiencing problems you think relate to this 

> Thanks
> Scott

Randall Schulz
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