On Monday May 14 2007 4:54:00 pm M Harris wrote:
> So, Novell was offered the gambit and all of FOSS may have to pay...
>       ... from the article:
> "According to open-software experts Microsoft is the real winner. The deal
> with Novell allows Microsoft to go out and demonstrate it is correct about
> Linux violating Microsoft patents, since Novell agreed to pay $40 million
> not to have its Linux customers sued for violations."
> "Industry insiders are now weary of what may come of Microsoft's experts.
> If Microsoft convinces the patent system that it is right, the open-source
> industry could face potential meltdown. Eben Moglen, executive director of
> the Software Freedom Law Center says a massive war is about to be waged on
> the patent battlefield."
> http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=7269

And this has what to do with a technical issue with openSUSE Linux? Would you 
please, please, pretty please send this stuff to the real opensuse-offtopic 
list and leave this one for technical issues with openSUSE and its 

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