On Thursday 17 May 2007 03:05, Benji Weber wrote:
> >         Some, uh, interoperability type stuff... I don't know, like C#
> > stuff, or .NET stuff, or.......   other M$ patented stuff....
> >
> >         ... but I could be wrong.
> Lots of applications are written in c#.net , beagle, banshee for
> example. You are removing an entire development platform.
        uh, yeah...

        "C#'s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders 
His previous experience in programming language and framework design (Visual 
J++, Borland Delphi, Turbo Pascal) can be readily seen in the syntax of the 
C# language, as well as throughout the Common Language Runtime (CLR) core. In 
interviews and technical papers he has stated ***flaws***  in most major 
programming languages, C++, Java, Delphi, Smalltalk, drove the fundamentals 
of the CLR, which, in turn, drove the design of the C# programming language 


        Beagle?      <Especially--- remove   worse than zmd, zen>
        Banshee?  <remove>

        Micro$oft's  .NET initiative is  e v i l .  (like most every other 
they've invented)

        Since Micro$oft has not detailed the supposed patent infringements they 
to have against linux... do you suppose that some of those will have anything 
whatever to do with the .NET initiative... or the M$ development of C#?   

        Ps.  The language of *nix is C/C++.  The connectivity of *nix is ip 

        Pss.  The lockin of M$ is IP.


Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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