Phil Burness wrote:
There are of course useful things for this....
1. Young children could add items to the table and hear / learn the pronunciation of the objects name. 2. In a similar vain, using a pen they could complete their homework on the table and have it transmitted direct to the class teacher for marking without the needs for additional hardware or paper etc. 3. Putting a glass of beer on the table could result in it's temperature being broadcast every 2 Degree's change in temperature - always drink at the optimum!
4. Ditto for food.
5. If the table was hinged you could flip it through 90Degrees and use it as a TV that you could throw soft balls at when something happened you don't like and have the channel changed. Soft ball hits could be fed back to the TV channel for instant feedback. 6. A couple of joysticks on each end and you could have one of those 1980's style tennis table breakout games.

I'm warming to MIcrosoft.... :-)


On Monday 11 June 2007 22:51:41 Doug McGarrett wrote:
On Monday 11 June 2007 09:01, Stevens wrote:
Take a look at this and you'll start to understand what our great
grandchildren will grow up with and think of as normal.

Or, "Practical Applications For Eye Candy"
I envision (no pun intended) several problems with this.

1. Some of us have a limited eye focusing distance, and could never see
the far side of the table clearly, without standing up and leaning over it.

2. You couldn't put anything down on the table, which is what people
usually do with tables, without making part of its function unusable.
(Except digital cameras and iPods [oops!] and wireless phones.)
I would also think it might be a bad idea to spill a drink on it.

3. Many of us dislike the "move-your-finger" mouse-pads on laptops.
This would be a giant version of that.  (I personally dislike moving
mice as well;  I use track-balls [Kensington]).

There are probably other gotchas, but this is a first shot.

PS:  I still think nobody would actually read an OT list.  This is at
least partially a technology list, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Or you could just play one heck of a game of pong!  ;)

Or is this table an upgrade of the tablet? :)

I actually don't see MS making this work easily at all. Automatically find and install the right driver for the camera you place on it. Ha! They can't make that work in XP now. If they did on V 1, or 2, or 3.0 I'd be surprised...

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