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Stevens wrote:
> On Monday 11 June 2007 09:06, Rajko M. wrote:
>> On Monday 11 June 2007 08:59, Rajko M. wrote:
>> Sorry for this.
>> I looked on mail content and thought it is offtopic mail list.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Rajko.
> No, it isn't off topic, especially with Beryl and Emerald and the move 
> towards 
> more and more eye-candy. The fact that it is M$ doing this project only means 
> that the Linux world will be right in the middle of this technology very 
> soon.

And old hat... Bell labs were working on these kind of ideas in the
early 80s (all that really came out of was the first MAC and Windows). I
even got to see some some early examples of table based I.T. more than a
decade ago... I do not see where this fits into a the more general move
towards personal data and computer devices... (Portables, Tablets, PDAs
and Smartphones). For many of todays young style is a sleek phone, not a
sleek computer interface..

For general use the majority of people struggle with a keyboard, mouse
and a 2D screen doing 2D data representations, 3D representation has
really only been used in CAD, virtualisation, and gaming, all areas with
special requirements. I doubt this kind 3D interface will be in use
until people can make productive use of it and are comfortable with it
(and that productive use is significantly better than current use).  I
may be going down the same road as (unly 4 computers) Watson or (who
needs more than 64K) Gates here....:-)

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