I tried installing the Java 1.6.0 rpms from the opensuse.org website
but they produce failed dependency errors and refused to install.
I don't want to break anything else by using rpm --force.

If you just downloaded the Java RPM, you are likely missing the
various dependencies.  Why not add the repositories to YAST, or use a
repository manager like Smart.  It would make adding packages to your
system a whole lot easier.

You can get Smart (version 0.51) for SUSE 10.0 here:
This package from SUSE Guru has all the main 3rd party repositories
already added in.  Note, these packages have dependencies on some
python packages that you will need to install as well
I'd suggest you install 3 packages from Guru... smart, smart-gui and

This should help you beat down the dependency issues you're having
with updating Java.

I actually have mplayer and w32codecs installed but couldn't get it to
work on my machine.  It plays the sound but just gives a blank blue window.
Xine, on the other hand, works fine.

Any console errors?  Do you have the latest builds from Packman?

My Windows XP box has Java 1.6.0_01.

That might be your answer there.  Update to Java 1.6 (or at least 1.5)
and see if it helps.

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