Thank you all for your support and I am very pleased
that mostly all user have no issues with KB3...

I would like someone to try something out for me on
another KB3 install that has no problems.

This is going to sound really weird please bear with me

1. Can someone try to burn a Data CD and burn only
MS-Windows .EXE files

2. Can someone who has XP burn some files - any type
onto a CD....Then remove the CD from XP session and
then use KB3 to erase the disk.

Right now I cannot get KB3 to erase a CD let alone burn
an iso image!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are irregularities away from CUA with selection
of files  in the top window (directory/files listing)
using SHIFT+CLICK....I have written a bug report for
this. I am amazed that some one has not done this. AND
Konqueror has  bizarre handling using SHIFT + CLICK.

There were a number of other issues I noted with the
usability that I thought were very limiting. To
suddenly find a Linux application presenting a Dialogue
box is very strange. The one thing I first loved about
Linux was the absence of dialogue boxes that locked you
out of the application until the Dialogue was satisfied.

There were a few other issues I also noted, but as I
cannot even erase a CD at the moment without a debug or
attempt to burn without a debug I am sort of stopped in
my tracks.

I know what you are probably thinking that Scott's gone
mad about the 1 and 2 scenario, however I have a
suspicion as to what's happening.

I await our next therapy appointment

cheers to all

Scott 0-)

> The safest procedure in K3B is to....
> i) create iso image...
> ii) then burn iso image
> as two separate actions, this will work with CD data burns nearly always
> in my experience (DVD is a bit more complex). Burning on the fly from
> file to disk can run into all sort of different troubles depending on
> what else the machine is doing and for all I know the current state of
> Denmark. The results are that unpredictable (and not just in a Linux
> environment BTW).
> I have now started to use CLI with wodim/mkisofs/growisofs rather than
> the K3B gui, so that at least I can attempt to get the result I intend
> rather than what someone else thinks I need.
> I have never used X-CD roast but I was under the impression that this
> was not orientated towards data anyway...

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