Dale Schuster wrote:
> Sandy Drobic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/22/2007 
> 03:51:41 PM:
>> After reading this I can understand very well just why you have trouble:
>> the requirements are more than a bit weird and don't mesh well with 
> common
>> sense and current SMTP practise.
> That is exactly why I'm red in the face and my forehead hurts from banging 
> the wall.

I feel for you, I was stuck in similar situations more than once. (^-^)

>> Once you accept the mail you assume the responsibility for it. You could
>> of course deliver the mail to the intended recipient and send back a 
> copy
>> of the mail to the sender. Technically that is no problem. You simply 
> set
>> up a transport for that domain where a script takes care to send back a
>> copy to the sender.
> I even contemplated adding an additional mailhop relay whose sole task 
> would be formatting bounce messages.  But then I reconsidered.

Yes, the concept as it is must not be used.

 > I really don't want to send the original message back to the sender, only
> send an informational message which can easily be done with "Vacation" as 
> you and others have pointed out.

Additionally it won't hurt as much if spam comes in since vacation only
sends a single mail to any sender within a week.

 > This is a source of confusion for me too.  I'm not exactly sure where to
> look to accomplish Subject Rewrites.  I think that may be a suitable 
> compromise, but my requirements are specifically to add a tag in the 
> message.  Thank you for the ammunition I needed for arguing further.

The easiest way would probably to set up a procmail solution for that
task. It should be done after content_filter.
- check if spamlevel is not high, otherwise don't send to vacation
- rewrite subject

If you need to do more you will have to write a simple filter script that
handles the rewrites and lookups you need.


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