I installed the whole Suse 10.2 via web from repositories using Yast.
All the installations described below were done with Yast, too.

Platform: i386, Suse 10.2, Gnome desktop.

Together with Gnome, java-1_4_2-cacao was installed.

Nevertheless, when I installed Azureus (a java application), Yast
required java-1_5_0-sun, so I installed that too it. When I called
azureus from a text terminal, it just responded with "Cannot find java
virtual machine, aborting.".

Then I installed java-1_5_0-sun-plugin. Yast sad it needed
java-1_5_0-sun, so it seemed not to be installed. Installed it again.
Now, Java works as mozilla plugin, but nothing changed with respect to

Tried some tricks I found on the web such as adding directories to the
PATH, but all I got was a segmentation fault, so I changed that back.
Deinstalling and installing java-1_5_0-sun, java-1_5_0-sun-plugin and
azureus didn't change anything.

Any idea around?
Frank Hrebabetzky               +55 / 48 / 3235 1106
Florianopolis, Brazil
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