Jonathan Ervine wrote:
> Would agree with the comments for digikam - particularly for KDE users. If 
> using GNOME I guess f-spot might also fit the bill.
You are right.  Sorry, I gave my opinion as a dedicated KDE user. 
F-Spot is an excellent choice for the Gnome user, and from memory it
works well, but I don't have the same amount of experience with it.

>  And as the OP mentioned 
> that his wife is using Windows, he might want to consider Picasa from Google. 
> With the very obvious caveat that Picasa on Linux is a wine app and looks and 
> feels a bit alien... but if it's what you're used to on Windows it's 
> definitely an option for Linux.
> Jon (I'm a Canon man...)
I could have been a Canon man, but Nikon were doing a deal on the very
day I was buying a camera. Very happy with the D80.  Now I'm tied to
Nikon for life, such is the cost of lenses!

> PS Hope you're well Pete - you should invest in a card reader... they're very 
> cheap and incredibly useful.

I'm good Jon, and hope you are too.  There is life outside Novell :) *.
I've actually got a card reader in my new PC that handles all sorts of
memory cards and opensuse 10.2 recognises them all, luckily.  I just
prefer the fact that digikam recognises my camera and offers to transfer
my picies for me.



*I'll have to admit, moving from SuSE Linux 10.2 to Windows Vista
(mandated by my new employer) is brutal.  It's an OS that is so, so
lacking in what I'm used to that it is cruel.  I must write an article
about it to counter all the 'moving from windows to linux' stuff you
read.  Switching back is pretty dreadful.  Anyone interested in reading
about it?


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