On Sunday 15 July 2007 11:00, arun murali wrote:
> Hi,
>     I wanted to try my hands on the SUSE 10.2 as my friends reported
> it quite stable. I downloaded the latest x64 version of the SUSE and
> it does not load yast. The system crashes after showing loading yast.
>   My system Hardware is
>          Processor      : Core2Duo(4400)
>          MotherBoard  : Intel 965
>          Memory         : 1GB.
> Is there any particular problem with Installing Open SUSE on this hardware?
> I checked MD5Sum after downloading and it seems to match with the one
> given in the site.
> With Regards,

Hi Arun,

The 10.2 is quite stable, your friends are right.

There is one bug for Core2Duo and Intel 965, but it seems to be unrelated:

Besides graphic card as Masaru mentioned it can be inappropriate graphic 
resolution for the monitor. Symptoms are usually the same as when graphic 
card has a problem, black screen and monitor power on signal (here green 
light) goes out, start blinking, or change color (here orange). This means 
there is no usable signal for monitor. 

Have you tried to lower graphic resolution or text mode installation? 
If not try to select lower video mode or Text on initial boot screen. 

In the text mode navigation is using TAB and cursor keys, or Alt and highlated 
letter in the word. For instance if you want to go Next, letter N is yellow 
and Alt-n would be the same as highlight whole word and press enter. Although 
I'm not good typer this works better than mouse. If this doesn't work than 
use TAB to switch to that window and then it will work. 

BTW, if all attempts to fix installation fail you can use 32 bit version, it 
will complain about installing it on 64 bit computer, but it will install it 
and work. 

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