I always get problems with gmail webmail, because it sorts conversations
incorrectly. For instance, someone changes the subject, and it breaks.

Mmm ya it can do that... I use GMail mainly for the openSUSE mailing
lists, and generally speaking I can't think of many times that this

Every time I look there I find list mail clasified as spam, needing to be
manually unclasified.

My SpamAssassin never clasifies list mail incorrectly.

That is really strange because That rarely ever happens to me.  When I
clean out the spam bucket, I rarely find list mail in there.. maybe
one every 3 or 4 months at most.  You would think that this hit/miss
rate should be the same for everyone since the config isn't different
between users.. or is it?

How do you configure or train your SpamAssassin in Linux?  I take the
default route by enabling it in KMail and then pushing a whack of spam
through the filter... it kind of works, but I still get 5 to 10 emails
per day arrive in my inbox that are clearly spam, and should be caught
by the spam filter (oddly they don't appear any different than other
emails the filter caught in the same day)... this is out of 3 or 400
spam per week.  not a high volume compared to some people.  I haven't
really looked deeper into SpamAssassin.... maybe I should...
especially if I can adjust it to get a better hit rate.

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