Ok, this is a problem I've had before and I have never resolved it.

I'm using openSUSE10.2 with all the usual updates that most of us pull
from Guru, Packman etc.  Sound hardware is SBlaster Live 5.1, nVidia
7600, AMD 64 X2 processor.

I rarely reboot, but happened to do a restart today.  On restart,
sound was not working.  I started YaST and the sound card appeared to
be recognized, but it was configured incorrectly.  Almost as if it was
crossed up with another sound driver (worth noting I have a webcam and
a Logitech USB headset, both of which show up as sound devices).

If I delete the existing sound card in YaST, I immediately loose my
desktop background and all desktop icons (the desktop goes black).

I can add back the sound card using the default quick setup, and
immediately sound starts working again... the desktop is still broken
(no icons ect.)  To "fix" the Desktop I have to restart X (log out of
KDE and back in again).

I can easily duplicate the problem... it happens on every reboot
(loose the sound card, and when I add the sound card back in I loose
the desktop).  It seems to make no difference if my webcam and USB
headset are plugged in at boot or not... the problem still persists.

I have read through my messages, warn, and Xorg logs, and there are no
error messages (that I can see).  Nothing to indicate why my sound
card is broken on restart, or why when I remove the sound card using
YaST, I loose my Desktop icons and background.  How are these even
remotely related?

Does anyone have any ideas here?

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