On Wednesday 15 August 2007 10:35 pm, Rajko M. wrote:
> They share common provider, are they?

Actually, no, they don't.

myrealbox.com is hosted by Messaging Architects (used to be Novell's NetMail 
product, recently sold to MA). The web interface to that would be going 
through MA's servers.

My email, here, goes out SMTP via my ISP. That has nothing in common with MA's 

> Or even better, filtering email is so common today.

It is, yes. MA's filters have a web interface, and are monitorable and 
configurable. My own email here is filtered via SpamAssassin, which I've also 
checked. Nothing is coming back, I am quite sure of that.

> If the only problem is unsubscribing I would resort to Patrick's advice,


> but if one email is lost than you have problem with your provider that has
> to be addressed too.

Just being curious, can *you* unsubscribe the right way?

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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