Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:
> Fredag 17 august 2007 12:27 skrev Dave Howorth:
>> Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> - as I'm going to use OpenSuSE for this one, so it's not completely off
>>> topic. I think.
>>> - In Denmark a new law is being enforced by the 15th. of September this
>>> year. It states that all internet activity must be logged, if you run a
>>> hotel or similar. I do.
>> Do you also have data privacy laws in Denmark? If so, I would think you
>> need to be quite careful with guarding access to these logs. If you have
>> professional societies in Denmark (Dansk Dataforening or Dansk Selskab
>> for Datalogi perhaps?) they may have guidance on how to comply with the
>> law.
>> Cheers, Dave
> All technical aspects aside, I do agree. A law like this is terribly 
> problematic. It opens up for who knows what.
> It does require a court order for the police to get to the records. But 
> still...

I wasn't so much thinking about police access but abuse by others. I
guess you will need to provide physical and other security to prevent
your staff or other guests or intruders from accessing logs that may
contain personal details of guests.

Cheers, Dave
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